Joint Repointing
Brick Repair & Restoration
Stone Repair & Restoration
Concrete Repair & Restoration
Masonry Reconstruction
Terra Cotta Restoration
Marion_Restoration_icon_masonry_cleaning (1)
Masonry Cleaning
Limewashing and Coating
Mosaic Restoration
Tile_icon [преобразованный]
Tiles Restoration
Foundation Restoration
Fireplace Restoration
Traditional Surface Finishes
Special Restoration Services
Monument Conservation

Brick Repair & Restoration

Much of the work at Marion involves historic load-bearing masonry and veneers.

Marion brick restoration services typically include:

Custom Matching:

Matching is critical to brick rebuilding and/or the replacement of damaged (spalled or fractured) units. Permeability composition of the brick unit and surface color and texture are critical to the success of the replacement; so it not only performs well but looks as if it has always been there!

Chimney Rebuilding:

When mortar has filled deep within the chimney structure, the only recourse is to rebuild. Brick units are reused whenever possible. Often flue tile requires resetting or replacement. This service includes resetting existing stone chimney caps, fabrication of new caps, or fabricating new cast-in-place concrete caps.

Jack and Flat Arch Rebuilding:

Resetting of loose units above window openings.

Mortar Repointing:

When mortar has filed deep within the parapet, the only recourse is to rebuild. Often parapets are damaged from roofing applied all of the way up the roof side of the wall, trapping moisture or from open coping joints allowing moisture into the wall. During rebuilding, brick units are reused whenever possible. This service includes resetting existing coping or fabrication/replacement with new units. Through wall flashing, cotton rope weeps, and drip edges are installed beneath coping.

Parapet Rebuilding:

When mortar has failed deep within a parapet structure wall, the only recourse is to rebuild. Often parapets are damaged when roofing materials are applied to the roof side of the wall, trapping moisture. Often, too open of coping joints allow moisture into the wall. During rebuilding brick units are reused whenever possible. This service includes resetting existing coping or the fabrication/replacement of deteriorated units with through wall flashing, cotton rope weeps, and drip edges are installed beneath coping material.

Spot Rebuilding of Failed Masonry:

Brick that has been damaged from prolonged exposure to moisture, efflorescence, and adjacency to non-permeable mortar often spalls. These units are replaced with matching units to result in a visually seamless repair.


Firehouse; 1923 N Cleveland, Chicago IL; 56 E Bellevue Place, Chicago IL; 915 Dearborn Avenue, Chicago IL and more.